Membership in the Lions Club is by invitation. We meet twice a month and elect officers annually. Every member pays dues to offset administrative costs as 100% of the funds raised go to our charities and help defray costs of our service projects.
Benefits of membership:
- Satisfaction that comes from helping others who are less fortunate
- Opportunity to share in the growth of your community
- Fellowship and sharing common goals
- Interesting/educational meetings
- Development of leadership skills
To become a Lion is to become an active volunteer, a member of a respected international organization, a leader in your community, and a friend to people in need.
Lions are people like you!
If you would like more information on how you can volunteer and become a member of our club, please go to our Contact Us page and complete and submit the form. A member of our club will be happy to contact you. Meanwhile below you will find a downloadable copy of our Membership Application.